3 Tips to Get Back Into The School Year With a Buzz

By now you have started the school year, or you are just about to…Whether you are homeschooling, participating in virtual learning, or sending your kids to classrooms, we want to see your kids excited about the school year! The school year doesn’t have to be difficult.
Here are 3 Tips to Get Back Into The School Year With a Buzz:
1. Keep student-led learning at the forefront.

If those kiddos are interested in planets, keep it going! Lean into planets with lots of planet resources. Night sky telescopes, videos or movies, astronaut play…When the kids creativity and curiosity leads learning, they are more open to learning and they retain the information much better! Also: (huge bonus) You don’t have to fight them to teach them! The interest is already there, so the teaching is easy.
In Montessori philosophy, child-lead education is at the forefront. Montessori instructors facilitate lessons based on the individual interests of each child. Dr. Maria Montessori found that when the child was interested in a topic, they could spend hours learning about it independently. Why force a child to learn about something that they are not ready to learn about? Figure out what they are interested in and encourage them to learn more!
2. Allow for plenty of laid-back fun and extra-curricular time.

You may have them enrolled in a sport, music classes, etc. Reinforce the invaluable benefit of this time by prioritizing it in your school and family life. Play a part with your kids in their activities! Show them you are interested in what they enjoy. it builds up healthy bonding and by offering a listening ear to them in downtime, they’ll offer listening ears to YOU at other times. Encourage them to participate in all kinds of activities they enjoy, outside of the structured extra-curricular stuff too. Exploring hobbies is such a huge part of their growth and learning! Go on family trips, picnics, or impromptu explorations. Go ahead, have fun!
3. Set clear expectations.

One way that clear expectations can actually reinforce excited attitudes is by outlining positive rewards systems. Week-to-week, day-to-day, you and your family will have to squeeze chores and more into the mix. Outlining clear expectations for each day and the rewards that will come from fulfilling responsibilities will get kids excited about taking on their role and contributing to the household chores! Prizes, extra gaming time, allowance. Incentives are exciting for anyone!