

My name is Hannah and I am the creator of Wild and Growing. I started this with a goal to connect more people with nature. Here you can find educational resources, a blog, and videos that aim to connect you with the natural world around you. 

So many people are uncomfortable in the woods and because of this there is a lack of passion for our environment. Using our resources, we hope that you learn some things, you gain some confidence, and you will go out and explore for yourself. You never know what you will discover.

Happy Exploring,

Why nature based learning?

There are many studies that show the benefits of studying alongside nature. Students have more concentration, they are happier and more eager to learn, and let their curiosity guide their education.

From visual to text learners, nature-based learning can be impactful. Visual learners are able to take in the world around them while book learners find peace when writing & reading while surrounded my nature.

Wild and Growing resources combine education with natural experiences. We encourage a hands-on experiential learning style and we believe the more time spent outside, the more impactful it can be.

“Children are born with all the curiosity they will ever need, it will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a daily diet of ideas.” – Charlotte Mason